Prevent WW III, restore peace in the Middle East and Europe and build an Iron Dome over the entire US. He said he’d do the first two on Day One. The third one might take a few weeks.

People get the government they deserve. We’ve got a carnival barker at the helm and a clown car cabinet. Fuggetaboutit.

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I mean, they even did a West Wing episode about it. Episode 12, season 2.


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Thank you! I just posted the clip on Blusky

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Everything the World Dumbest Fucking Moron says or does is WRONG.

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I wish I could write like you do. But this one is definitely in the Department of Are You Fucking Kidding Me.

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Joe knows. He's been in it from the start. Be like Joe

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As to Trump, let's try to get the following understood....

First, Trump is not a moron, this endlessly repeated claim is factually incorrect. Trump is not academic smart like say, Obama. Trump is not the kind of smart Democrats respect. Trump is STREET SMART, like a mob boss, or a drug cartel leader, or an undercover FBI agent, or a ruthless NYC real estate developer.

Perhaps you've noticed that Trump is President of the United States, and we are not? If Trump is a moron, what's that make us??

Second, repeatedly calling Trump a moron so that we can pretend that we are smarter is, well, stupid politics. Every time we personally insult Trump we are also personally insulting the people who voted for him. And we need to peel off some percent of those people if Democratic Party values are ever to dominated American politics. Insulting the people we need to persuade is not an act of intelligence.

To label Trump a moron is to underestimate the nature of the threat he represents.

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Yeah no. He doesn't know what day it is. Thanks.

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Star Wars schemes assume that nukes will be delivered by ICBMs. What if that's not true?

The problem with ICBMs is that they immediately advertise the source of the attack. Not such a great plan for the attacker. The smarter play might be to smuggle the nukes in to America. How hard would that be? The following is just my best guess, corrections from experts welcomed.

According to ChatGPT only about 1-2% of containers being shipped in to the United States each year are physically inspected. About 11 million containers enter the U.S. each year. Customs relies heavily on tech like Xray scanners. I can't comment on how reliable such methods would be in detecting a nuke.

If importing nukes is unfeasible, what if the attacker built the nukes on American soil? My understanding (corrections welcomed) is that engineering grad students can construct the devices. If true, then the challenge would be getting the nuclear material in to the country. Given that billions of dollars worth of drugs enter the country every year, smuggling in the nuclear material may not be that hard.

An attacker doesn't need a thousand nukes to push America in to crisis. Taking out America's ports might be enough to crash the economy and launch social and political chaos. And/or, just 50 nukes could bring chaos to America's largest cities.

An attacker might make some demand, and when the demand isn't met, they set off one nuke in one city. But the real turning point in this attack could be when the attackers set off the second nuke, because now the population is thinking "this could happen anywhere", and millions of people might then start evacuating major population centers. All this chaos, from just two nukes smuggled in to the country or assembled here.

I assume the American government would have methods of determining who the attacker is, perhaps by analyzing the radiation or other. But this could take some time, and could be very difficult to prove, and...

The attackers still have some number of nukes hidden in other major cities, and finding them all would likely be impossible. Thus the attacker would have powerful leverage that would be very difficult to counter.

Point being, even if a Star Wars system worked and was affordable, (neither of which are likely to be true) it seems it would be relatively easy to get around.

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These people are profoundly ignorant snake oil salesmen. They are ready to spend billions on systems, that for the reasons you have listed, will be ineffective against ICBM/SLBM threats. But just for argument's sake lets say that such a system would have only a 5% leakage rate ( which is better than the demonstrated effectiveness of Iron Dome). If the Russians launched a strike of 500 missiles, each with 6 warheads, that would mean that 150 nuclear warheads would impact the U.S. Hardly an acceptable outcome.

As Strother Martin said in Butch Cassidy, "Morons. I've got morons on my team"

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