One hopes they have proper safeguards in place so that no rogue elements can use nukes. And the way things are going they are getting what they want anyway.

They are clearing north Gaza to create a de-Arabified provence that they will occupy. Then they will have so packed south Gaza so that it becomes untenable for its residents. Ethnic cleansing in the name of defense.

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Thank you for sharing these points.

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Hitler's Revenge:

1) Nuclear weapons, brought to life in response to the Nazis. If we won't accept the thousand year Reich, Hitler's soul is content that we should all burn at our own hands.

2) The decision by long tormented Jews to look for security smack dab in the middle of a region dominated by psychopathic despots. Somewhere Hitler is laughing.

Sometimes we might wonder whether we are tiny pawns in a war between good and evil going on far above our ability to understand.

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And where would the nuclear fall out spread to? A country can't nuke a neighboring territory or country, in case of India and Pakistan.

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A good question. It depends on the winds, but most likely the fallout would drift over the parts of Israel bordering Gaza and then on to Jordan and beyond.

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The free hand given to Israel to commit war crimes and ethnic cleansing only redounds to the search for nuclear deterrence by other countries in the region.

Gaza may have been spared from atomic bombardment for the moment, but the likelihood of an atomic weapon being used in our era has dramatically increased due to a world order that is ruled by the strongest, not by international law.

The Cirinciones of the world seem to be in the minority.

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