Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

Hey, Joe! Eek! You need a proofreader. ;)

I became active on nuclear threat issues while in Europe during the Euromissile crisis. I belonged to a large segment of the movement which did criticize the SS20 deployments and worked closely with dissidents in Eastern Europe. We weren't falling for the "dagger to Russia's heart" line, because the SS20s were a dagger to the heart of every West European nation. Not long afterward, I worked with Parliamentarians for Global Action to launch the Six Nations Peace Initiative, which helped bring about a breakthrough on test ban verification.

Regarding the war on Ukraine, take a look at my piece at aaron.tovish@medium.com . Of perhpas greater urgency, check out the Declaration of Public Conscience at https://nofirstuse.global/2023/04/11/launch-of-nuclear-taboo-from-norm-to-law/ which builds upon the G20's Bali Declaration.

Keep up the good work!

Best regards, Aaron

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One of the reasons that Putin is able to exploit our internal divisions is that we've come to love our divisions way too much. Sure, we can blame this on corporate media, social media and cynical politicians etc, and all that's true. But the real culprit is us, the audience. We've turned the news in to an entertaining reality TV show where everybody in America is a villain to somebody else. The only reason all the polarizing content is being pushed at us is that we watch it, feed on it, fuel it.

The best way to undermine Putin's information assault is for all of us to work on making some kind of peace with those across on the other side of political divide. We've never going to agree on everything, but we can do a lot better job of looking for common ground.

An article coming later this month on my site will list some list some of the common ground this liberal sees with those on the right.

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